Chip Chat On Customer Service

Lon Safko on Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service

Episode Summary

Lon Safko discusses artificial intelligence in customer service and why we should embrace this growing trend.

Episode Notes

Lon Safko is a serial innovator, inventor, bestselling author, speaker, and good friend of mine.

He is an author of remarkable breadth, writing six innovative books, which have shown corporations how to train managers to think creatively, detailed the secrets of launching a successful online business, and many other topics. His latest book, “The Social Media Bible,” unlocks the mysteries of social media for business. 

Lon is a remarkably creative person. He is the creator of the “First Computer To Save A Human Life”. That computer, along with 18 other inventions and more than 30,000 of Lon‘s papers, are in the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. He has created numerous hardware and software solutions for the physically challenged, developed the first CAD software for civil engineers, and is also responsible for those handy little Tool-Tips help-balloon pop-ups! 

Key topics discussed in today's conversation:

  1. How to incorporate artificial intelligence into your customer service strategy
  2. What a great chatbot looks like, how to make it smarter, and why it's important for your business
  3. How to choose the right chatbot for your organization
  4. Why you need to monitor your social media channels

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